Grow Your Self-Confidence With These 7 Tips!
I bet you never think that famous people, writers, doctors, lawyers and perhaps even great speakers once had to grow their self-confidence? Well, it’s true. This is not something that is taught in school. Some people think that we are born that way, but the truth is, we can actually cultivate it like a talent.
Imagine playing the piano and practicing over and over to become better at it. Now imagine looking at yourself in the mirror, saying hello and what you do. If it does not inspire you, try saying it with a smile. Seriously. Then say it while imagining yourself in your favorite “power” outfit…whatever that looks like. Let’s keep working on it with these 7 tips.
7 Ways to Grow Your Self-Confidence:
- Get clear on what you want your day to look like. That’s right. YOU decide! Set your intention and write it down. Make a deliberate act to bring about what you want your day to look like. How is it going to feel to nail that speech, ask that person out, or tackle the meeting you have to get through? Have a strong sense of purpose guide you through your day as you constantly think of your intention.
- Get out of your own way. At the next social event, go mingle. No matter how difficult it has been before, at least try it. You don’t know anyone in a certain section of your office? Go over and introduce yourself. You never know what might come of it.
- Stop being plugged in and on auto-pilot. Don’t say yes to things that you want to say no to…and take control of your life. Be real. What do you wish you had more of? What do you wish you had less of? What have you been doing to fix this? Seriously?? Have you been doing anything to fix this? Think about it and make a conscious decision to go for what you want. not for what someone else might want.
- Don’t tell yourself that you can’t do something. Stop it. Here is what people say to me “I’d love to come to yoga, but I’m not flexible.” People. Get to yoga. It’s not about being flexible. I also hear “I can’t do that pose. I’m not ever going to be able to do that.” Guess what. That’s what I thought about forearm stand a year ago, only it made me mad to think that way. So I did it. Make your list of things you think you can’t do. Look over it and pick one to work on that you really want to go for!
- When was the last time you felt great? Like you got off an exercise machine and were like woo. I did it. How about something as simple as mani/pedi day? Whatever you have done recently that made you feel good about yourself, your abilities and what you can do, never think “I don’t have money for that.” because that is something you need to keep in your life. Think to yourself, I love the way I always have access money to pay for yoga classes. << yes this is my thought, but insert yours.
- Being scared doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It could be that you are on the brink of something exciting and new, so take a deep breath. Visualize what happens after the speech is over, the deal is signed, the leap is made. Wow. That rush. That feeling. The thought of getting through something that scared you, but not giving up. It means you are alive! Even the most confident people go through this.
- Think about yourself a year from now. Where do you want to be? What would it be like if you didn’t step out on faith? Would you be in the same place? Likely. What about the future you who tries new things, make new friends, stands up in a crowd and gives a speech. Completes that scary yoga training at a certain age when mostly young folks do that…and completes it while in pain, but grows stronger each day. Whatever it is. Grin. Feel the love. You deserve it.
I struggled for years against the grain. Let the pain take over and when I was finally ready to grow my self-confidence again, I almost said no. but there was this tiny little bubble of excitement as I visualized the end result. That’s when I knew it would be worth it. The end result was worth more to me than the lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, or anything else trying to control my life. Only I could control the end results. And I did. What if you could control your results as well? Would you try? I do have 2 options for wellness coaching or a support group right from your own home here on the blog. See the top tab “Work with me” or Head|Heart|Health Club for more.