Why You Aren’t Happy Right Now…and How to Change That!
One of the top questions I hear is “I am making improvements in my life, why am I not happy yet?” I get asked this about many things, but in a nutshell, the answer is actually because you really haven’t thought about being happy. Shock! I have thought about it a hundred times…you think. But it drifts off into the sea of other thoughts around what you need to make you happy. If I only had…a bigger house. If I only had…a relationship. More money would really help make me happy. You then carry on with your day and your thoughts about things that would make you happy.
Lots of people are looking for happiness in the wrong places. Some people believe happiness comes when they get what they want. Interesting. What next? Do we stay happy after getting what we want then?
Life is a series of complex decisions; however, what if it didn’t have to be. What if you could declutter your life, get rid of things you don’t want and start over. Interesting concept. Downsize instead of supersize? No way. Hmm. But what if?
Many people don’t believe happiness is a choice that only they can make. I am going to provide you with some tips on how you can choose happiness over and over again, and maybe, just maybe, start to see that is not based off some magical formula, a fairy tale, or even a myth that has been handed down for generations. Happiness is truly what you make of it.
How to Create Lasting Happiness Right Now:
- Start a gratitude journal if you don’t already have one. I know you guys have been watching my weekly talk about this on my fan page when I am Live, but have you started your journal with me? I am not going to stop talking about it, because we focus so much on what’s wrong, we have forgotten our joys y’all. I had to throw a y’all in there so you would know I am serious. Just take a look at your feed. Count the people who post their blessings…for REAL. Umm hmm. Not many, right? Anyway, my exact journal is posted above. I love it!
- Clear your space for happiness. Do you get depressed in a dirty house? An unmade bed? Dirty sheets? No nice smelly things like oils, etc.? Start tidying up to make room for happiness. Happiness can start with an intention. We feel better now because we have done something. It actually raises our vibration to walk into a nice, clean, insert favorite scent here, room. I have a diffuser similar to this one to help me feel relaxed and at ease.
- Work only on what you can change…about you. So many times, I see people worrying about what others are doing on a daily basis. The corrupt politicians, the boss, work issues, family who do x, y, z. All these people have faults just like you. We aren’t getting anywhere in this world by talking about what we don’t like. Period. It has not ever changed one thing in my life. What has? Focusing on what I can do to make things better. Writing articles to help people. Helping people take back their lives makes me happy. No strings attached, just pure happiness. As I work to promote the good I see, things inside of me change as well. As I help others, I help myself.
- Practice makes perfect-ish. I wanted to use this old saying, but let you know that no one is actually perfect. However, practicing gratitude and changing your focus over and over again can actually change your percentage of happiness. No Way. But yes way, because a fancy researcher said so. According to Robert Emmons, PhD in his book, Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, those who regularly practice gratitude can enhance this set point by as much as 25%. I don’t know him, but what a cute book. I am actually reading a similar one…but it’s almost too behavioral study based and long-winded for me.
- Use a wide viewpoint…and not just a narrow one. If you consistently see your problems as the only ones, then that creates an ego-based viewpoint of the world. Be aware of your circle of friends, and what the world is also going through. Cultivate compassion for others and their needs…but not to the point of using your needs as a basis for inserting it into every conversation. That still brings it down to a narrow viewpoint. Social media has made it more “me based” instead of “us based”. Don’t be that way with your friends.
- Always keep trying. Just because you have a set-back, or something sad happens, doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel it. Of course you are. But don’t stay in that place forever. Keep on going. Just like I said last week, you have the power to live any reality you want simply by shifting your thoughts to where you want to be.
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