The Inauthentic Person and the Empath…Why We Must Leave.
I can sense a fake post a mile away. Just skimming the headline of an article that has been stolen and reproduced usually gives me a shiver. So it is no wonder that meeting fake people causes me to draw back from any and all people associated with them. And I do mean all.
I would rather have no friends at all than a fake one.
As an Empath, I have always been sensitive to clues. Years ago, I met a lady who was to work with me very closely. She was so happy…all the time. One day, she started telling me a story about how her husband had cheated on her. She laughingly said “Hahaha. I could murder him.” I looked at her and I knew that was one of the few things she actually had told me that was completely and totally true. Her hatred was as great as the Emperor’s from Star Wars. Seriously. I had this vision for a second and it was gone. I saw beneath the mask.
Later, she would do other odd things until one day I could take it no longer and I had to report her behavior. I later left the school because yes. We worked with children, and they didn’t believe me. A year later she was let go and I ran into her working at a yogurt shop. The mask was there again.
I have many stories like this when the words, body language and energy of the person don’t match up. There are people with massive followers that I refuse to associate with as I have seen the mask slip. All it takes is one time for me to have that feeling click and I know.
Energy doesn’t lie to me.
I have been manipulated by a person who was once one of my closet friends. She would smile at me and tell me how much she wanted to see me, but wouldn’t I invite so and so over as well, a male friend, to my house…because you know, she was married. I would later hear things about parties she had, that I wasn’t invited to, or outings she had that we had planned, but she took someone else. I am a grown woman. I left high school a long time ago. If you are sensing these things in your adult friendships my friends…get out.
Signs you must leave:
- They are your friend or are friendly to you when they need you. At other times, like the time you say “Hey. I have had a really bad day. Can I come over?” They tell you “Now is not really a good time.” Had the situation been reversed, you would have changed your plans, got come wine and chocolate and opened your door in your PJ’s. <<< truth.
- They compliment you daily…but you sense something else. This started with the lady who I worked with. I realized I was probably working with a psychopath and pathological liar who continued to pretend she was stable, so she complimented everyone around her all the time with this giant smile. I could almost sense her real words underneath. It gave me the creeps.
- In each situation, they are a new person. This is a huge sign. <<< My close friend was never the same person and I noticed it, but I guess I wanted a best-friend so much at the time, that I just passed it off as insecurity. I tried very hard to form a close relationship, but I never knew what type of person I was dealing with. Just when I thought I got through, it would happen again.
- The lies and stories are so thick, you aren’t sure what is truth anymore. In the end, they have changed different versions of a story so many times you are left feeling completely and totally used. Drained. Even though they have tried many ways to keep anger, pain, or something else hidden, you always sense it. It is the true self under all the stories. Your instincts are right no matter how much they deny it.
What do you do now?
- Avoidance. This is my go-to thing. I know it. I “hermit” because I am so damn tired of being lied to. I can’t stand the fakeness I see daily and that includes social media and twisted “news” that isn’t really news at all.
- You learn to trust again…eventually. To do this, you have to be willing to put yourself out there to make new friends. I get it, I truly do, but not everyone is the same. Trust your gut.
- You join a club or go to a local meet-up of people with interests like you. If there isn’t one, you can always start one, but it is important to find people you can trust. I know it’s hard. You are always welcome to come join my Club as well if this resonates with you.
- You journal about your experiences, and you move on. You get very clear on how you want to feel, and you start to create that for yourself. No one wants to feel used for sure. Start making a list of how you want to feel. Loved, energized, important, lifted-up, and of course, authentic.
Want more help? >>> Here is Journaling for Empaths. <<< A workbook to heal your soul.