5 Simple Ways to Ground Yourself
Sometimes, we can live in such a state of overwhelm that we no longer can find our center. It is times like these, when we have lost our way, that we need to remember how to find balance in our lives. If you happen to have the traits of an empath, you might walk into a situation and not be aware that you are in fact picking up energy like a lint roller to your soul.
When we ground ourselves, we become fully present as well as calm which usually helps us step back from the feelings and become aware of what is ours and what we have inadvertently attracted to us. Grounding can help a highly sensitive person separate and discern instead of feeling and reacting.
5 Simple Ways to Ground Yourself:
- Use aromatherapy such as frankincense oil. Frankincense is said to be very balancing, and it’s believed that the oil transmits messages to the limbic system of the brain, which is known to influence the nervous system. As long as it’s 100% naturally derived, any oil or incense can provide grounding.
- Listen to this water sound as you work. Water can really help you focus and stay grounded in your workflow.
- Use this stone to “rub the worry” away and feel connected. Hematite is the ultimate grounding gemstone for the body. It holds a very powerful grounding energy that literally feels like you are being sucked down into the Earth.
- Meditate and reflect with my favorite thing…journaling. This journal is pretty amazing, and I use a similar one for various entries.
After you sit quietly for a space of time and talk to your higher power or the universe, or just repeat a mantra on finding balance, think about what you are trying to get clear on. Let’s say the feeling is anger. Think of the last 3 people who you were around and see if any of their anger could have come through. Which feelings are yours and which do you think did not come from you at all? Is it possible to let go of the feelings and release the ones that you know were not yours? Write about what it feels like to release those feelings and move forward.
5. Get outside. Take your shoes off if possible. And walk literally on the ground. Spread your toes and feel the earth. The texture. The grass. Lie down and deeply. Close your eyes and focus on the point between your eyebrows. If you need a focus thought, I actually have this tiny book called Everyday Positive Thinking, and sometimes I will close my eyes, take a deep breath, and randomly open to a page. Reflect on that thought and get clear on what it is you want to feel like for the day.
Connect daily with nature and if that’s not possible, try tips 1-4 daily to help connect and ground your center.
Author’s note. Earthing is also very helpful as the research indicates “Emerging science reveals that direct contact with the ground allows you to receive an energy infusion, compliments of Mother Earth. Think of it as “vitamin G” – G for ground. Just as the sun above creates vitamin D in your body, the ground below provides you with vitamin G, a kind of “electrical nutrition.” More here.
I hope these 5 tips helped you today and be sure to look at the top posts on the side of the blog! If you’d like simple and easy to follow steps to manifest, check out this way to journal.