3 Key Tips to Moving Forward

Have you ever tried something new, but you really didn’t want to?  Think about that experience for a minute.  Well, I love the quote from C.S. Lewis that says:

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.

It’s time to cross the monkey bars my friends.

I will never forget when I left teaching.  I thought I was slightly mad myself…but I knew in my gut that it was the only way to heal and move forward into what my life was supposed to look like.  I didn’t necessarily know where I was going, but I did it anyway.

As I designed my life around the concept of moving forward, I saw flashes of signs telling me that I was, and still am, on the right path…to go forward without looking back.

Where toI knew that creating a program to heal myself was going to take time…and armed with the knowledge that I didn’t necessarily have all the right answers at that particular moment, I moved forward.

I completed yoga teacher training and went from not being able to move, seriously, almost at all, to moving again.  I finished a sports nutrition course with almost a perfect score on the 100 question exam.  I made myself eat things like parsnip chips <<< that I actually made myself.  All because I kept moving forward.

Throughout it all the 3 key thoughts were as follows.

  1. Wake up with thoughts of gratitude on your mind…no matter how much pain you are in.  This one took me a whole year to work on, and I constantly realigned myself to thoughts of “thank you” as I woke up.  I had to change my thoughts away from the physical pain I was experiencing in order to get away from it.  I know this sounds odd, but try it.  It is necessary to surround yourself with the thoughts you want in your life.  The things you want to wake up to.  I wanted to wake up to thoughts of gratitude that one day, and mind you I had no idea how this would turn out, that one day, I would wake up without thinking about pain first.
  2. Faith.  I was really upset the day someone doubted my faith.  I was allowed to be mad, have bad days, have days I wanted to scream and shout, and ask “why me?”  I was not allowed to stop believing that I could do it.  That I could actually accomplish what I wanted.  We all make mistakes, but it was faith that kept whispering loud and clear, keep going.  It will happen.  I did have to remove the negative people from my life who didn’t support me on this belief…they simply couldn’t grasp that I was not watering their doubts.  I had my own grass to look too.
  3. Vision.  I visualized what the future would look like and stayed away from dwelling on what ifs.  I didn’t have time to look back.  I kept moving by creating vision boards, don’t laugh they work, and vision word boards.  I have one in front of me right this minute.  I was a teacher, remember?  So I took the top 5 words I wanted to embody daily, blew them up really BIG and put them on tag board behind my computer.  Up top so as I am typing, I look up to those words.  If I drift off course, I look back to those.  Am I creating something that is keeping me aligned to my purpose?  Yes.  Okay then, I can keep working on it.  Am I drifting again?  Stop working on that or putting energy into that thought.

These are the keys to my life right now.  I still use all 3 daily and practice keeping myself only looking to where I want to go.  If you are tempted by comparing yourself to others, stop.  That is their stuff, not yours.

Letting go




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