How to Protect Yourself From Negative Energy.
My last post had lots of people asking me questions on the fan page for my blog! I know that I have personally been on a journey to gather back my energy from the places it is currently residing. I decided to share the tips with you that I have collected so far on how I protect myself from negative energy.
How to Protect Yourself From Negative Energy:
- I have to say journaling is my number one protection. I know that sounds funny, but my friends ask me for advice on what it is that I do that helps me so much, and I JUST created an e-book for you guys to use with lessons, printable materials and more. The above word is linked to a similar journal I use, but start writing how you feel when negative energy enters your space. Then, imagine yourself blocking that negative energy and only allowing good vibes in.
- Turn on your Himalayan Salt Lamp as you meditate or journal to recharge your batteries. It is detoxifying as well, so I also have to soak in the tub with the salt crystals so not only do I get the pure air from my lamp, but I recharge from inside as well.
- Distance yourself from the source as best you can. If you have to go back into their proximity, excuse yourself to a restroom and spray this around you. It’s not the exact one I have, but it will work to calm and center you and clear the negativity from around you. Especially if you are getting a headache.
- As soon as you get home, start your aromatherapy routine. If you don’t have one, you can try using a diffuser with oils such as this blend called “Uplift”.
- If someone is complaining, turn up some music!! Seriously, be like listen, this is my jam. And look at what I just found for your night routine!! I actually have not used this, but am excited it came up in my search. Seriously let me know what you think, but Chronic Fatigue CD.
If you are really out of ideas and are right there without shielding options or recharging options, use visualization. You can center yourself by concentrating on your breath. Keep exhaling negativity, inhaling calm. This helps to ground you and purify difficult emotions that are trying to enter your space. Visualize negativity as a fog lifting from your body, and hope as warm light entering. Always remember that the fastest way is to leave the situation if at all possible.
P.S. Do you need more support? Here is the perfect place for you! Head|Heart|Health Club now open.
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